Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The wife called

Ok, so appeareantly Calvin and his wifey are playing games. That swamp duck hoe will not stop calling me...I really don't want anything to do with these people but appearently I am the center of their world..Drama is a disease bitches!! Get Well Soon.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Shimmy Dangle

Not a whole lot has happened in the last couple of days. I had some friends over last night and we just sat around drinking a little bit. It was me Jenna, Lindsey, Greg, Drew, and Jayme. Well I grew up with four brothers so I know the "game" very well. It was so comical watching my guy friendws trying to pick up my girlfriends. They used all the old tricks and to my suprise they worked. I don't know I just thought that most girls could see through that kind of bullshit. One friends did and the other didn't and has plans to "hang out" later.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Oh my COW

Ok, so Calvin is over, time to talk about some other things. I ended up joining this website that my friend insisted on. I have never seen so many degenerate freaking psychos in my life. Advice to all never sign up for an online dating site unless you wish to be made into a lamp shade or some other piece of home decor. I am not even joking complete psychos. Although there were some good looking guys on there, they all seemed like they wanted one thing, oh yea you know what I mean some bow chicka wow wow! They didn't even try to hide that. My nine pages of messages after only being singed up for three days consisted of; " Wow your beautiful," or some other lame adjective to describe ones appearance. They all then continued to ask me if I wanted to do the deed. HELL NO!! WTF! Who does that? Now I am not a prude, I tell you that now, but for the most part home cooking is always better. Time to go throw some skittles at complete strangers LATA!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Why is he still calling me?

So I figured new day new things right? Wrong! Ol' Calvie Boy decided to call me today. Ok so I am partially to blame because for one I answered the phone. I did act like he had the wrong number and hung up, curiousity got the best of me and I called back to find out why he had called. I got to hear excuse after excuse and appology after apology. I really do not know what to think. He said that he did it so that he could see his kids everyday and I don't know if its really the best thing for the kids or not because they are always fighting. He also let me know that she admitted to saying she wanted him back because he was happy with me and she was jealous. Well enough of this.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just about me..

Ok so this blogging idea is fantastic, I am so excited that someone has to read this and I get graded on it. I'm not a real complex person and this blog will be mostly me venting about day to day things> HA sorry for who has to read this crap. So first of all I just want to say that I think blogging is going to take over the world. With that being said, I would like to first vent about my ex boyfriend. He is a total douche bag and I hate him. How the hell is someone going to enter into a serious relationship with someone when they are still married. I mean why? Its really not that hard to tell the truth and not be a total scum bag piece of crap. But I am not bitter because he has to wake up next to someone that looks like snuffalufugas HA.