Saturday, January 17, 2009

Oh my COW

Ok, so Calvin is over, time to talk about some other things. I ended up joining this website that my friend insisted on. I have never seen so many degenerate freaking psychos in my life. Advice to all never sign up for an online dating site unless you wish to be made into a lamp shade or some other piece of home decor. I am not even joking complete psychos. Although there were some good looking guys on there, they all seemed like they wanted one thing, oh yea you know what I mean some bow chicka wow wow! They didn't even try to hide that. My nine pages of messages after only being singed up for three days consisted of; " Wow your beautiful," or some other lame adjective to describe ones appearance. They all then continued to ask me if I wanted to do the deed. HELL NO!! WTF! Who does that? Now I am not a prude, I tell you that now, but for the most part home cooking is always better. Time to go throw some skittles at complete strangers LATA!

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